Tag: Sewing


Sewing Room Organization: Ironing Station

Sewing Room Organization: Ironing Station

Sewing room organization with an ironing station


Today I am here to make good on a promise I made you. Remember back in January, when I was filled with good intentions and showed you the extra storage space I created for my attic craft room? Right. That part of the project is still going strong. But I also mentioned that I had carefully cropped out the outer side of that landing since it was a big old mess.

Well no longer. That bit of wall has been reclaimed and put to good use.

It is now my ironing station as part of the sewing room part of my attic.


Sewing room organization with an ironing station


Again, I am working here under a slanted roof, with all kinds of utility pipes running over those spare bits of wall space I have. So I did not have much room to be creative with but I made it work.

I really

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